Casagrande’s “Oystermen” is an environmental artwork of four standing sculptures at the sea in Kinmen, Taiwan.(Courtesy of Classic Kinmen Travel)


Casagrande’s “Oystermen” is an environmental artwork of four standing sculptures at the sea in Kinmen, Taiwan. The four figures tower over the water and are each above 6 meters from the surface of the earth during a low tide. 

芬蘭知名建築師兼藝術家馬可‧卡薩格蘭(Marco Casagrande)長期關注環保議題,其雕塑作品與在地文化有深層連結。1999年,他的作品曾進入英國建築評論新銳藝術獎決賽,此外,紐約時報記者曾將他的作品《60 Minute Man》選為他個人最愛的雙年展作品。

Marco Casagrande is a Finnish architect and an environmental artist. In 1999, he was a finalist in the UK journal Architectural Review’s Emerging Architecture competition. The reporter of the New York Times also chose his project “60 Minute Man” as his personal favorite in the Biennale.

建功嶼|Jiangongyu Islet(Courtesy of Classic Kinmen Travel)


This project was made in 2013 when Marco Casagrande lived in Kinmen. One of Kinmen’s famous dishes is “Oyster Noodles” (石蚵麵線), which is made with oysters from the area.

建功嶼空拍|Jiangongyu Islet captured from an bird-eye’s view (Courtesy of Classic Kinmen Travel)



The structures are made from sandblasted stainless steel and boast luminescent caps that are solar-powered, illuminating the seascape at night.

The “Oystermen” are standing on guard by a tidal road connecting the great Kinmen with the little island towards Xiamen. Gradually, the legs of these Oystermen will be covered by oysters, hence, the name. 

退潮時可由步道直接登上建公嶼|You can walk on the tidal road which connects Kinmen to Jiangongyu Islet. (Courtesy of Classic Kinmen Travel)

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